
Hearing Aids - Blog Posts – Page 4

Hearing Aids - Blog Posts

Signs of Hearing Loss


Signs of Hearing LossIntroductionHearing loss can be able to manifest in various ways. Depending on the degree or even the severity of hearing loss, the symptoms can range from the occasional difficulty understanding of various words to the inability to be able to communicate with the others as well as the social isolation. While there are quite a few different types of the hearing loss as well as different causes, symptoms are similar irrespective of the type of cause.Various common symptoms of the hearing loss:⦁ Listening to the radio or television at a very high volume.⦁ The perception that the...

Hearing Aid Insurance


The Hearing Aid Dilemma- Hearing Aid Insurance DiscussedAny electronic device that is inserted into the ear or behind the ear to facilitate hearing is known as hearing aid. Hearing aid device amplifies sound volume, and this directly permits an individual having difficulties in hearing to hear, listen, interact and actively participate in normal daily activities. With this device, someone with hearing loss is assisted to hear better in both calm and noisy environment. Hearing aid is beneficial to many and its importance can’t be overemphasized.Components of Hearing AidHearing aid is majorly divided into three (3) parts, namely; The speaker. The...

Visiting an Audiologist


What You Need To Know Before Settling For an AudiologistFinding a solution for a hearing aid problem can be sometimes tasking. Hearing loss treatment can involve a whole bunch of medical terminologies that can be difficult to understand. Differentiating between a hearing aid instrument professional and an audiologist can be a bit confusing.It is important to understand the concept of Audiology and Audiologist before venturing out to seek for aid when you notice a hearing problem.Who is an Audiologist?An Audiologist is a person trained to identify and recommend treatment for hearing loss. An audiologist is a licensed individual saddled with...

The Ultimate Guide to Over the Counter Hearing Aid Solutions


The Ultimate Guide to Over the Counter Hearing Aid SolutionsIf conversations are becoming harder to follow and going out in public with friends and family is becoming difficult due to hearing loss, you are not alone. According to Mayo Clinic, 25% of people ages 55-64 and nearly 50% of people over 65 suffer from some degree of hearing loss. For some, hearing loss simply means certain sounds and speech might become harder to understand. However, for many hearing loss might mean having to ask people to repeat themselves more than once or a constant ringing in their ears. If you...

An Insight into the World of Hearing Aids


An Insight into the World of Hearing AidsThe hearing problem has become a major source of concern today affecting over 11 million people in the UK alone. This figure stands at 1 in every 6 of the population. These figures are expected to rise to 15.5 million by 2030 which is closely tied to the population of the aging people. Hearing loss can be a source of embarrassment and a barrier to smooth communication. It has a social implication as well and can lead to mental illnesses (anxiety and depression).The mild-to-moderate hearing loss is one of the most prevalent degrees...

Where to Buy Hearing Aids


Comparing How & Where to Buy Hearing AidsYou are in need of some hearing aids. This can be a very difficult and concerning time for anyone experiencing hearing loss. However, you first should know that you are not alone. In fact, according to the Center for Hearing and Communication, “Nearly 48 million Americans have a significant hearing loss.” The question now is, where do you start? How does one go about getting the best and most affordable hearing aids on the market today?With so many options out there, it can be hard deciding where to take your first step in...

Investing in hearing aids: Things you need to know before purchasing in a hearing aid


Investing in hearing aids: Things you need to know before purchasing in a hearing aidHearing loss is something that can happen to anybody. Hearing loss can greatly affect your daily life from work relationship to emotional health. Making the right choice when purchasing a hearing aid can be a huge difference.How does the hearing aid work?The hearing aid is an electronic device that operates on battery power. This small device is designed to improve your hearing. The hearing aid is designed to improve on the quality of the sound you hear. Hearing aids are small and portable and can be...

Types of hearing aids


Types of hearing aids A conventional hearing aid amplifies all sounds, both those that the user wants to hear and those that the user wants to avoid. This can cause discomfort for the hearing aid user because we all become more sensitive to noise with age.Digital hearing aids help the patient with hearing loss obviate background noise. Digital hearing aids amplify speech and speech sounds, while the sounds that make up the background noise are moderated.Most hearing aid users hear well in quiet environments, but in noisy environments, their situation is very difficult. Therefore, it is very important that family...

Hear the confession of a 42-year-old tailor from Texas with hearing loss…


the confession of a 42-year-old tailor from Texas with hearing loss… “How I Effortlessly Enhanced My Hearing And Finally Effectively Hear Clear & Precise Sounds!” Do you know that hearing loss is the third most common physical condition behind arthritis and heart disease, affecting people of all ages? In short, if I should put it by the numbers… “…approximately 48 million Americans (20 percent) report some degree of hearing loss? - According to the Hearing Loss Association of America.” But somehow, Isabella – a tailor from Texas, seems to have discovered a way to enhance her hearing with a little...

Why Your hearing Aid May Not Be Working


Also see here;Hearing aid care

How to take care of hearing aids


Maintenance and care of hearing aids A hearing aid is a high-tech device that deserves a lot of care, should be kept clean and free of earwax, should not be exposed to excessive heat or moisture, also when you are not using the hearing aid should be stored in a case as they are easy to lose. These measures will help to prolong the functionality of the hearing aids and avoid great discomfort.The following are recommendations for the care of hearing aids:Dehumidifier for hearing aidsInvesting in a hearing aid dehumidifier is a good decision; they have the ability to dry...

Hearing aids - Questions Answered


Hearing aids Approximately 33% of the population over 65 years of age suffers from hearing loss. Hearing loss is among the 3 most common diseases in older adults. However, hearing loss is not a situation that only older adults experience. Studies show that 3 out of every 1000 children are born with a hearing loss. Approximately 37% of children with hearing loss fail at least one grade, and 7% of adults between the ages of 29 and 40 have some degree of hearing loss.The hearing loss not treated in time in young people and adults has negative repercussions in their...

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